Saturday, June 29, 2013

Going Eden Park!!!

On Thursday, my family and I, went to Eden Park! What for? I hear you asking. Well, on monday, we got a letter, saying that my brother ( Joe ) got selected, to go on OPC ( Outdoor Pursuit Camp ) and we were so delighted! 

When we got there, we saw that there a lot of people already there. Going through the doors, one of the servers, told us to go up, the elevator and up to level 6, getting there, we saw people from all sorts of school's. 

As it was just about to start, on of the Polices, lead us to get some light sapper. I got chips and Sushi, and a cup of juice, as we were eating, on of thee leaders, told us to watch the TV so that we can see the things, that they are going to participate in. They showed, how they are going to walk across a thin line, and how long they have to swim!

Then as we were watching, one of the helpers, skipped it to the bit about great Barrier Island, when we were starting to watch she stopped it because we saw one of the biggest fishes!!! Yes, they said that when they get to go great barrier island, they will see........ Whales!!! 

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