Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First Netball Game

Today was AMAZING! We had...... Yes! We had our very first game of Netball, for the term at the AMI courts. And it was great, even thought Miss Erasmus wasn't there we still believed we could do it without her.

 Making our way onto the courts, we made sure that we had everything, getting ready the coach for the other team asked us if we were wearing earrings, with a reply of yes, she asked us to take it off, because it can cause danger when playing. 

When the buzzer went for the first round, we made sure that we were defending our partners. The first goal was ROPS GALAXIES, then we made a few goals. Sadly in the end, we didn't win! But the 10 flavhz were were proud that they played, and we made a effort!




  1. Nice post Lesieli,

    It looked like you have been having fun during our game on Tuesday, All though your writing was just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I love how you posted it , on the same day as you played.

    Good luck for the next week!

  2. Cool Lesieli,
    You played and wrote with awesomeness. Even though we didn't win, I think that we played pretty well for our first game. Make sure that next time, read your post again because I could see some mistakes.

    Keep up the great work:-)
