Kiaora, talofa and Welcome to this special island called New Zealand! You may think that we’re not really super we’ll you’d be wrong ! One reasen why we’re so awesome is because we don't have any countries by our sides . We do things on our own and plus we have a multicultural population which makes Aotearoa a very unique country
Ther term tiki refers to a carved human figure and was a part of Maori and other Pacific cultures. It’s a mystery to find out about the myth of how the tiki got its name. On the other hand, in many parts of the Pacific , for example in Niue, the Tiki myth is unknown and human figures were not carved but they still had tiki .
The Buzzy Bee is a famous icon to New Zealand. A toy and crafts man, created the colorful wood toy sometime in the late 1930’s. New Zealanders love Buzzy Bee. It is seen internationally on stamps and magazine covers. As you can see Buzzy Bee is a treasure to lots of people in New Zealand.And also
hey i have told yous some fantastic things and i hope you have found some of our trusted icons . Hope you enjoy your day or week here in New Zealand .