Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 1 back at School!!

It was the First Day Back at school, and I must admit I am looking forward to this year. It is also my last year attending Pt England school, as an Year 8, which really saddens me. 

We started of the day with assembly, where the teachers welcomed students back to school, as well as the new 2015 Prefects. 

For 2015, I am in the most amazing class. Room 2, with our wonderful teacher Ms Clark. I am enjoying it at the moment, and I am look forward to the many more terms that yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Lava! Lesieli

    I am looking forward to all of your post that you will be publishing onto you blog this year. I hope you are enjoying your brand knew classroom with Mrs Clark. Being a year 8 is really hard work but it is cool because then we head of to college and do things that we might never had done before in intermediate and primary. Have fun in the future and hope you will enjoy college as well.
