Partly Cloudy is a Pixar CGI animated short film directed by Peter Sohn. All day long, cheerful cloud people in the sky make cute and cuddly babies, such as human boys and girls, kittens, puppies, and other creatures, and give them to storks for delivery to the parents.This short film was Produced by Kevin Reher.
However, one lonely gray cloud named Gus has the task of creating animals who are cute, but not so cuddly. His delivery stork named Peck gets the worst of it, being bitten by a crocodile, butted by a Bighorn Sheep called a Ram, and pricked by a porcupine.
The main message in the story is to never leave someone out and also thats what true friendship is like. Even though the stork Peck gets hurt a lot he still doesn't mine.
I will recommend this movie to my friends and family because It shows everyone about how true friendship is like., and it tells people about never leaving anyone out of their.
If you want to watch Partly Cloudy here's a link to it Click Here