Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Que bueno son Los alfajorcitos . Muy delicioso . Room 13 made alfajorcitos for a special treat .

Alfajorcitos is the most famous thing in Argentina it is popular and the smell of dulce De leche made room 13 cool as we created these Argentina sweets. Alfajorcitos are from Argentina. They are popular in that country .

First we got out all the ingredients and started. Next we grabbed the biscuits and we spread the dulce de leche we had to spread a lot to make it sticky. Then we sandwiched the biscuits together . After that we had to put coconut around the biscuits . After that we rolled it together and made it in to a Alfajorcitos .

I enjoyed this experience. We made it pretty well and we had fun making it . loved it because it was lots of fun and it was also tasty and yummy . I had a nice snack and it was delicious .

I had fun making it and it was yummy and also taste . I loved it and now it is my favorites snack , I had a nice day and .

My favorite part was when we sated eating it was so yummy and I loved it . and we were having fun making Alfajorcitos .

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Black Out Day

It was with huge, excitement that I got my dressed for school today. It was Black Out Day. Black Out Day was to show our support for the All Blacks on the opening day of the Rugby World Cup.

Running down the footpath, I shouted "Stop", as I saw my friend. On my way to school, most people I saw were wearing black. Coins jingled in my pocket as I bounced about excitedly - I was going to buy a sausage for my lunch.

Arriving at school, I noticed, that even the teachers were wearing all black. Miss Tito and Miss Va’afusuaga even had black wigs on and also had painted faces. I love it when our whole school gets behind an idea.

At assembly, Mr Burt kept telling stories. They were about the times when he was at rugby game and he was not wearing his hat. Lots of yucky things would fall on his head and even end up in his car. I love Mr Burt’s stories, he is a great storyteller.

For fun, in our classroom we painted some All Black players. Each group found their smallest member and we traced around them. Next, we painted our players black so that they were wearing the All Blacks uniform. It was fun, I like painting.

After morning tea our classrooms all went to the courts to play some rugby games. The sun was shining and the sevens boys had set up some fun looking games. I was in team Russia.

Playing out on the field, the big boys taught us lots of rugby skills. Tackling, kicking and throwing were just some. My favourite game was the tackle bag obstacle course. I loved it because I got to knock Feki over!

After all the games it was lunchtime. I ate my sausage under the shade of some trees - it felt like summertime.

I had such a great black out day and I really hope that the All Blacks can win tonight. My brother is supporting Tonga, but I don’t know if they can win.